Catalonia’s budget deficit

With an economy the size of Portugal’s, Catalonia accounts for 16 percent of Spain’s population, 19 percent of  gross domestic product and 27 percent  of its exports. With 30.3 billion of debt, however, represents 28 percent of  Spain’s combined regional debt pile. Catalonia is planning to cut public spending  by 10 percent this year. The story by Raphael Minder is published on the International Herald Tribune.

Some words about Stefano, by Braden Phillips

My friend Brad

Although I grew up in Manhattan, the city always felt just outside the sanctuary of my relatively quiet neighborhood in Peter Cooper Village, a housing project on First Avenue between 20th and 23rd Streets.  It bellowed and fumed over my shoulder, an infernal machine full of divine promise. It’s no surprise the atom was first split in the U.S. in a laboratory on the corner of Broadway and West 120th Street, releasing its titanic energy. New York is a kind of breeder reactor of human possibility, where incalculable volts have been produced over the years, for better and for worse. Read more

In Ibiza, a House on Stilts

Enrique Polanco’s second home in Ibiza. The design was created by Andrés Jacque to have as minimal an impact as possible on the surrounding landscape.

Here there is the slideshow to see on The New York Times. Thanks Enrique for your hospitality and kindness on the insel.

New pictures from Valencia

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=’G0000BOcmbPO8nGo’ g_name=’Valencia-City-of-Arts-and-Sciences’ f_show_caption=’t’ f_show_slidenum=’t’ img_title=’casc’ pho_credit=’iptc’ f_link=’t’ f_enable_embed_btn=’t’ f_show_watermark=’t’ f_mtrx=’t’ fsvis=’off’ width=’600′ height=’430′ bgcolor=’#AAAAAA’ btype=’old’ bcolor=’#CCCCCC’ crop=’t’ twoup=’t’ trans=’xfade’ tbs=’5000′ f_ap=’t’ bgtrans=’f’ linkdest=’c’ f_fullscreen=’f’ f_constrain=’f’ f_topbar=’f’ f_bbar=’f’ f_bbarbig=” f_htmllinks=’f’ f_send_to_friend_btn=’f’ f_smooth=’f’ f_up=’f’ target=’_self’ ]

New pictures from Valencia shot. See the gallery at

How a museum changed a town

Last week I visited the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao to shoot a story for the Helsinki Sanomat.

Editor Kaisa Heinänen investigated on how with the opening of the museum Bilbao was changed.

In fact the Guggenheim Foundation considers to open a new museum in Helsinki (Finland).

Roberto Saviano, a “national hero”

Roberto Saviano in Barcelona, February 2009 (photo: Stefano Buonamici)

In his writings, articles, television programs, and books he employs prose and news-reporting style to narrate the story of the Camorra (a powerful Neapolitan mafia-like organization), exposing its territory and business connections.

Since 2006, following the publication of his bestselling book Gomorrah (Gomorra in Italian), where he describes the clandestine particulars of the Camorra business, Saviano has been threatened by several Neapolitan “godfathers”.

En 2008 six Nobel Prize-awarded authors and intellectuals (Orhan PamukDario FoRita Levi MontalciniDesmond TutuGünter Grass, and Mikhail Gorbachev) published an article in which they say that they side with Saviano against Camorra, and they think that Camorra is not just a problem of security and public order, but also a democratic one.

Since 2008 he lives under a permanent police escort.

Zarra, the next Spain’s cemetery of nuclear waste

A story by Johanna Kippo illustrated  by the pictures of mine, published on the Finnish Newspaper Helsinki Sanomat.

Morir de Amor, la vita di Federico García Lorca

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=’G0000Zc41WYjnXwg’ g_name=’Morir-de-amor-GarcA-a-Lorca-s-short-life’ f_show_caption=’t’ f_show_slidenum=’t’ img_title=’casc’ pho_credit=’iptc’ f_link=’t’ f_enable_embed_btn=’t’ f_show_watermark=’t’ f_mtrx=’t’ fsvis=’off’ width=’600′ height=’430′ bgcolor=’#AAAAAA’ btype=’old’ bcolor=’#CCCCCC’ crop=’t’ twoup=’t’ trans=’xfade’ tbs=’5000′ f_ap=’t’ bgtrans=’f’ linkdest=’c’ f_fullscreen=’f’ f_constrain=’f’ f_topbar=’f’ f_bbar=’f’ f_bbarbig=” f_htmllinks=’f’ f_send_to_friend_btn=’f’ f_smooth=’f’ f_up=’f’ target=’_self’ ]

Un viaggio sentimentale nei luoghi di Federico García Lorca

Un vento di libertà soffia sulla Spagna negli anni venti. I costumi si modernizzano, e anche le istituzioni e la politica si rinnovano. La società sta cambiando e alcuni giovani entusiasti e sensibili si preparano a raccogliere questi fermenti e trasformarli in potente fatto artistico: Pablo Picasso da Malaga, Salvador Dalí da Figueres, Luis Buñuel da Aragona, Rafael Alberti da Cadiz, Joan Miró da Barcellona e tanti altri. Read more

A House of Concrete I-Beams and Steel Girders

Anton García, an Madrid architect shares the house with his partner, Débora Mesa, an architect who worked on the design, and his children, Antón, 8, and Alejandro, 1. Anton has designed his place that is built out of infrastructure pieces. See the slideshow on the Nytimes:

Joan Laporta goes in to politics

a story from the Helsinki Sanomat